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Let’s fight the power grid - together


Every Texan has a story about their extreme weather experience and the electric grid in the past few years.

Weather-related power outages are rising, according to a recent study.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which oversees the state's electrical grid, asked residents to conserve electricity several times last summer — including nearly every day for one week in August — when operators expected record demand to exceed available electricity. ERCOT managed to avoid rolling blackouts, but just barely. 

With summer here we'll probably see more of those conservation notices.

We need solutions to the problems of extreme weather.

Older people and individuals with disabilities or certain health conditions can be especially vulnerable during weather-related power outages.

People of color and those in low-income communities often face a disproportionate share of power outages, as seen during the February 2021 winter storm in Texas.

These communities also tend to live in neighborhoods with older homes, more vulnerable pipes, and fewer food options, making it harder for them to withstand outages.

Won't you help me work to bring Texas into the energy state for the 21st century that can provide jobs for years to come?

And please follow me on social media - and share with your friends and family!

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